Introduction |
GENERAL INFORMATION : One of the functions of the Board is to get the Waqf properties/Institutions registered in the Board. In pursuance of this statutory obligation the board has got 227 Waqf estates/Institution including Mosque, Karbala, Imambara, Qabristan & Dargah etc. registered with it up to March 2010. The process of registration is going on through there are still several thousand such Waqf properties/Institutions which are yet to be dicovered and registered with the Board.
ADMINISTRATION : The head office of the Bihar State Sunni Waqf Board is located 2nd floor, Haz Bhavan 34, ali Imam Path, Harding Road, Patna - 800001 is mainly responsible for the supervision of Administration of Waqf/Institution and its attached property spread over the entire state. The Chief executive Officer of the Board shall be appointed on deputation who shall be an officer of the Indian Administrative service or a member of the Bihar Administrative service not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary belonging to the Muslim Minorities having knowledge of urdu language as per Waqf rule 34 of 2002 readwith section 23 of the Waqf Act 1995. |